Watch out! Don't let my sudden coming catch you unaware; don't let me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with problems of this life, like all the rest of the world.

Luke 21:34-35

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rock The Block Service Report 9-9-07

A Call To Rest

I will not be before you long, I don’t have a lot to tell you about Sunday night other than we did not hold a regularly scheduled service. There was a spirit filled cloud that was on our hearts, hopefully when you think about that cloud it will remind you of the cloud that assisted the Israelites when they were coming out of Egypt. When the cloud did not move they stayed in their tents and rested.

This rest that took place was attributed to our Choir Director, (Songster Leader) Julie, who was called into the eternal rest of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ last Sunday night. It was a sudden pronouncement that put such a pause on our efforts, the Lord allowed us to take time out to reflect and build each other up so that we are able to carry on. I can recall so clearly the Holy Spirit ordering me to stop loading the truck and go enjoy the morning service a little earlier than usual because of the circumstances. After service it appeared the battle was put on hold for the time being. In addition, the weather was dismal.

I would like to thank Brother Dan McCoy for sharing a wonderful sermonette, based on Joshua chapter 6, at our worship location to a few brothers who saturated the atmosphere with praise in spite of everybody else not being there. Dan let us know how the Lord uses some unusual plans to bring deliverance sometimes. Though the Israelites were prepared to fight, they had to walk, and even though they wanted to scream or make noise, they had to remain silent.

Satan might have seen this as an opportunity to laugh at of our quietness and, like the Israelites, looking kind of crazy marching around the walls of Jericho, but guess who got the last laugh?

God Bless! See you next Sunday…God willing

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