Watch out! Don't let my sudden coming catch you unaware; don't let me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with problems of this life, like all the rest of the world.

Luke 21:34-35

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Rock The Block Praise Report 7-22-07

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The Gospel Still Travels Outside The Bushel

Jesus spoke out so clearly on how not to allow the good news of his kingdom to stay hidden beneath a bushel. (Matthew 5:15) I was shocked to hear in my spirit that the devil had a restraining order out on the church, demanding that we stay in the church and off his property (highways and bi-ways), meaning, there is no chance for freedom for those still held bound in his prison camps.

Well, I am a witness that at the “Rock the Block” evangelistic service, the gates of hell were stormed by brave men who stood to testify of the goodness of Jesus and His glorious kingdom IMG_4415 IMG_4452 and because of their great act of bravery a soul returned home to the kingdom.

Giving thanks to God for six men from The Power Movement Ministry, and one powerful young brother twenty years of age from the New Testament Church of God who
all confessed their love for Jesus and how He had changed their lives.
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The testimonies were about homosexuality, gang involvement, drugs, serving time in jail, being a bad father-figure, life-threatening childhood accidents, and one celebrating his faithfulness to God by still being a virgin and not giving into the many temptations from the Devil.

My Heart is still screaming HALLELUJAH!

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