Watch out! Don't let my sudden coming catch you unaware; don't let me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with problems of this life, like all the rest of the world.

Luke 21:34-35

Friday, August 17, 2007


Redeeming The Times

What a challenge it is for Christians today. I am finding it quite agonizing writing this report because I am deeply thinking about the cost that Christians must be willing to pay to really redeem the times. Ephesians 5:16

I can hear the voice of God saying “build Noah build”. The relentless spirit of Noah is in the atmosphere bringing awareness to the world about the arrival of Jesus Christ.
Saints – It Is Time To Stand Up And Stand Out For Jesus.

Well, Sunday morning started out with a bang. The message at The Salvation Army Worship and Service Center in Roxbury was “Who is your Cornelius?”

The Lord told Peter to go, expose who I AM to a man by the name of Cornelius, what a challenge it was for Peter to share Gods gift of salvation; knowing the ridicule that he would receive amongst his own people.

Because of his obedience, Peter was blessed with something wonderful. The opportunity
to experience first hand the joy of Gods salvation to the Gentile nation, like Jesus who endured the cross for us knowing the joy that awaited him. Hebrews 12:2

Oh what joy we all experienced being at the Rock the Block Evangelistic Service Sunday evening. Starting from the stage area, my eyes witnessed an entire band, two keyboard players, two guitar players, several drummers, and two wonderful singers,
IMG_5512 all a part of the Unorthodox Praise Band. The atmosphere was filled with a glorious sound of praise.

The Messengers of Christ also filled the atmosphere with shouts of praise by rapping the lyrics of salvation;
IMG_5337 these brothers do not care about the cost to follow Jesus. They let it be known whom they serve!

From the pulpit, Rev. Dr. Anthony S. Medford preached the call to recognize that

IT WILL COST YOU SOMETHING TO FOLLOW CHRIST IMG_5474, whether it is family, friends or social status.

We all should come to the conclusion that Jesus it worth it.

From here you can celebrate the faces and the power of Gods salvation, one brother was so moved at the altar that he gave God an offering by pouring out his liquor and spiting out the demons that had tormented him, they were evicted,
IMG_5531 and there were more IMG_5529 souls saved that evening all the way up until we were all packed up ready to leave.

By seeing the joy of deliverance on those who received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, made everything that went on Sunday evening worth the cost.

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